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Show HN: WebGPU Rotating Cube https://ift.tt/97IHbjn

Show HN: WebGPU Rotating Cube This is a small "hello world" type WebGPU demo that fits in a single page (no NPM dependencies or build steps). The last time I touched anything graphics-related was the OpenGL 1.x era, and I've been hoping WebGPU would be a good opportunity to come up to speed with modern standard GPU programming. However, the WebGPU tutorials I found were often small fragments of code aimed at people already familiar with DX12 or Metal, and the rest involved complex NPM build steps or "clone my repo to get started" setup scripts. This page is just a plain HTML+JS file. You can edit the shaders live from the textboxes, or download it to make more involved edits. I hope it feels something like what learning JS used to be like in the days of MySpace and Geocities (in a good way). https://ift.tt/xrJlhzs May 6, 2023 at 02:46PM

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