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Show HN: Git Hooting https://ift.tt/DTsWn7S

Show HN: Git Hooting 00's called, they want their RSS feeds back. I was looking at my growing Github gist collection when a sudden urge to blog and make a name for myself "by not programming" struck. Part way into implementing my oh so special static website generator it occurred to me that, quite frankly, Github gists is a pretty decent publishing platform. I mean, it gives you reasonably extended markdown with previews, heck I could even write in org-mode, has comments, follower - followee relationship, extended search with filters, check out locally and push your edits. Did someone say "edit button"? Thus the idea behind https://git.ht was born: collect gists into RSS feeds and force everyone, kicking and screaming, into the good old days when Google Reader was king. Well, it's a bit more than that now. But basically, you create a gist or grab an old one, name its main file `hoot.md` or `hoot.org` if org-mode is your poison, make it public and voila. These "hoots" make it into your RSS feed and will get permalinks with social graph metatags, so you get nice previews when you share them on Twitter and such. To take it for a spin: - pick a subdomain e.g. foo.git.ht, - navigate you browser there, - login with Github. I still consider it alpha, but it should work. Report any issues as you would normally on Github https://ift.tt/ryJe6Wc . Thank you https://git.ht May 7, 2023 at 01:29AM

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