Show HN: CMD+C – Instant Grammar Correction Across All Apps for macOS
Show HN: CMD+C – Instant Grammar Correction Across All Apps for macOS Hey HN! Here is my simple native macOS app for correcting grammar — CMD+C. I'm a non-native English speaker working in English-speaking teams, and I care about how my Slack messages and other communications come across. Frustrated with switching between grammar tools, apps that don't support some input boxes, and endless copy-pasting, I built CMD+C — a simple macOS app that corrects grammar on the fly in any app, with just a triple-click. Features: 1) Triple-click "⌘+C" to correct any selected text instantly, no matter where you're typing. 2) Use your own API key (OpenAI, Anthropic) or access premium corrections with our plan. 3) View correction history with explanations from GPT why it was corrected and export JSON/CSV if needed. How it works: 1) Intercept triple "⌘+C" shortcut in macOS 2) Process text with LLM (OpenAI, Anthropic) with custom prompt 3) Replace selected text with the corrected version and save it to better understand why and how it was corrected CMD+C was built in 7 days, is free to use, and I plan to share the source code later this month. I've never built anything before, so I'd love your feedback - let me know what you think! Hope someone finds it useful! November 4, 2024 at 12:03AM
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