Show HN: A web-app to explore topics using LLM
Show HN: A web-app to explore topics using LLM Lately, I've been tinkering with llama.cpp and the ollama server. The speed of these tools caught my attention, even on my modest 4060 setup. I was quite impressed with the generation quality of models like Mistral. But I was a bit unhappy at the same time because whenever I explore a topic, there is a lot of typing involved when using the chat interface. So I needed a tool to not only give a response but also generate a set of "suggestions" which can be explored further just by clicking. My experience in front-end development is limited. Nonetheless, I tinkered together a small web app to achieve the same goal. It is built with vuejs3+vuetify. Code: December 26, 2023 at 12:27PM
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