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Show HN: Open-source proxy server for Llama2, GPT-4, Claude2 with Logging,Cache https://ift.tt/qkDsGlL

Show HN: Open-source proxy server for Llama2, GPT-4, Claude2 with Logging,Cache Hello hacker news, I’m the maintainer of liteLLM() - package to simplify input/output to OpenAI, Azure, Cohere, Anthropic, Hugging face API Endpoints: https://ift.tt/Sdv3DQc We’re open sourcing our implementation of liteLLM proxy: https://ift.tt/mLGJsiS... TLDR: It has one API endpoint /chat/completions and standardizes input/output for 50+ LLM models + handles logging, error tracking, caching, streaming What can liteLLM proxy do? - It’s a central place to manage all LLM provider integrations - Consistent Input/Output Format - Call all models using the OpenAI format: completion(model, messages) - Text responses will always be available at ['choices'][0]['message']['content'] - Error Handling Using Model Fallbacks (if GPT-4 fails, try llama2) - Logging - Log Requests, Responses and Errors to Supabase, Posthog, Mixpanel, Sentry, Helicone - Token Usage & Spend - Track Input + Completion tokens used + Spend/model - Caching - Implementation of Semantic Caching - Streaming & Async Support - Return generators to stream text responses You can deploy liteLLM to your own infrastructure using Railway, GCP, AWS, Azure Happy completion() ! https://ift.tt/PoOih9A August 12, 2023 at 01:08AM

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