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Show HN: Dare to Debate an AI? Put Your Skills to the Test with DebateDevil https://ift.tt/MWmhAl8

Show HN: Dare to Debate an AI? Put Your Skills to the Test with DebateDevil Hi HN community! I am excited to share my recently upgraded website, DebateDevil ( https://ift.tt/nvWL5pV ), an AI chat platform designed to help users practice debates, challenge their ideas, and expand their thinking. I created this site to provide a more objective opinion and help users consider their hypotheses from multiple perspectives. example discussin: ``` AI: The time has come to test your hypothesis and beliefs. I will argue against any topic. What do you want to debate? You: AI will take away most jobs from humans. AI: I understand your concern about AI taking away jobs from humans. However, it's important to note that AI is not designed to replace humans but to augment and enhance human capabilities. AI can handle repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up humans to focus on more complex and creative tasks that require empathy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, the increased efficiency and productivity brought by AI can lead to the creation of new job opportunities in areas such as AI development and maintenance. You: While it's true that AI aims to augment human capabilities and increase efficiency, we cannot ignore the potential negative impacts on employment. Job displacement is a valid concern, especially for those in industries heavily reliant on routine tasks. Reskilling and upskilling may be necessary but can be challenging and costly. Additionally, new job opportunities in AI-related fields may not be accessible to everyone, leading to further social and economic disparities. AI: I agree that job displacement is a valid concern. However, it's important to note that technology has always been changing the job market, and AI is just the latest technology to do so. While some jobs may become obsolete, new jobs will be created in other areas. For example, the rise of e-commerce has led to a decline in brick-and-mortar retail jobs but at the same time, created new job opportunities in online retail and logistics. As for the issue of reskilling and upskilling, there are various resources available such as online courses, training programs, and apprenticeships to help workers acquire new skills to adapt to changing job requirements. It's also important for governments and companies to invest in retraining programs to ensure that workers have access to these resources. ``` example judge ``` I think AI is superior in what you discussed; AI focuses on AI's ability to extend human capabilities and points out that new employment opportunities may be created due to the increased efficiency and productivity that AI brings. On the other hand, you are concerned about job losses due to AI, but AI points out that past technological innovations have also changed the employment landscape and that new job opportunities can be created. You also indicate that resources exist for retraining and upskilling to address job losses due to AI, and state that it is important for governments and businesses to invest in these programs. ``` I'm eager to hear what the HN community thinks! Please give it a try and let me know your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions for improvement. Thanks for checking it out! https://ift.tt/ABkU0ob April 14, 2023 at 01:31PM

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