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Show HN: I was playing with fundamental constants and 13.8 b years popped out https://ift.tt/3nKy2Lk

Show HN: I was playing with fundamental constants and 13.8 b years popped out I was playing around with fundamental constants and out popped 13.8 billion light years. What is going on? the wavelength of an electron mass photon / (2pi) * the charge radius of a proton / the black hole radius of a proton = 13.8 billion light years ((h / (m_e * c * 2pi)) * (h / (m_p * c * pi/2)) / (2G * m_p / c^2)) = 13.8 billion light years https://ift.tt/2Z7G6vk +c+ +2pi%29%29+ +%28h+%2F+%28m_p+ +c+ +pi%2F2%29%29+%2F+%282G+ +m_p+%2F+c%5E2%29+to+light+years&assumption=%22UnitClash%22+-%3E+%7B%22G%22%2C+%7B%22GravitationalConstant%22%7D%7D&assumption=%22UnitClash%22+-%3E+%7B%22m_e%22%2C+%7B%22ElectronMass%22%7D%7D&assumption=%22UnitClash%22+-%3E+%7B%22c%22%2C+%7B%22SpeedOfLight%22%7D%7D&assumption=%22UnitClash%22+-%3E+%7B%22h%22%2C+%7B%22PlanckConstant%22%7D%7D September 17, 2021 at 09:29PM

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